Hi, this is REN Zhenyu (任振裕, REN is my family name). 🌏
Research Interest: Communication Engineering (通信工程).
- renzy2022[at]mail.sustech.edu.cn;
- zren664[at]gmail.com;
Recent Updates:
- 2025-1-25: I finished half a year internship at Huawei Technology.
- 2024-8-16:为2024至过年回家前的自学列个计划吧(贴于此,以勉励自己):
- 计算机网络,操作系统等CS的专业课看一看;
- 把蓝牙标准仔细读一遍。
- 2023-12-23: This website is now also hosted at renzhenyu.site.
- 2023-12-22: This website is now also hosted on Tencent Cloud (腾讯云) at to enhance the experience for Chinese readers (previously hosted at rzy0901.github.io).
- A domain name will be introduced shortly for more convenient access.
- 2022-8-27: I pursued further studies as a master's student at Southern University of Science and Technology.
- 2022-6-15: I successfully completed a one-year internship at Huawei Technology.